Journal of
e-Planning Editorial
Statute |
(Approved at the CITIDEP meeting of
28 February 2011; and agreed upon at the LabTec ePlanning meeting, at ISCSP-UTL
on 21 March 2011; revised and agreed by C PRESS International in 2013)
1) Introduction
Founded in 2011, the Journal of
e-Planning is a scientific publication within the framework of the Consortium
e-Planning, integrating several Portuguese universities and research institutions
in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
This consortium was promoted by the Research Center on Information Technologies and
Participatory Democracy (CITIDEP) in the aftermath of the International Conference on
Public Participation and Information Technologies (ICPPIT-2003), jointly organised by
CITIDEP and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) of MIT. In the
same year, the first e-Planning Seminar was held at MIT-DUSP, open to the
global academic community.
2) Scientific domain
The Journal of e-Planning publishes referreed articles in the
context of the e-Planning research agenda, which includes sub-domains such as
e-infrastructures, e-government, e-governance, e-city and territory,
e-citizenship, and other close-related domains. It is dedicated to work based
on original research, and consequent theoretical and analytical discussion.
3) Goal & Framework
The Journal of e-Planning is committed to foster high quality
and innovative research, and to become an international reference in the
e-Planning research community.
The core series of the Journal of e-Planning (biannual) will publish
referreed articles, according to editorial norms of the Editorial Board. The Journal
of e-Planning will also publish a “Newsletter Edition” (monthly, or trimestral), with
updated information on relevant on-going research and academic events related
to e-Planning. On occasion, the Journal of e-Planning will publish Thematic Special
4) Target Audience
The Journal of e-Planning is
intended for all interested parties of the scientific community at large, in
particular to those associated with the e-Planning field.
The Journal of e-Planning
endeavours to maintain a preferential connection with e-Planning alumni and
current students of PhD programs in prestiged Universities in all continents.
The Journal of e-Planning has an
international vocation and, thus, publishes articles in the most relevant
academic languages.
The Journal of e-Planning may
publish theme-based books (volumes), and include sections dedicated to Recensions,
as well as News and Chronicles of e-Planning Activities, with emphasis on the
network of Living Laboratories of Technology for Society (LabTec e-Planning),
and of Research Units whose research agenda is relevant to the scientific
e-Planning field.
5) Organisational Bodies &
The Journal of e-Planning consists
of the following organisational bodies: Director, Executive Commitee, Editorial
5 a) The Director
will be a research Doctorate, well-known within the e-Planning community. The
Director is appointed by the CITIDEP Board of Directors, after consulting the
scientific bodies operating in the e-Planning Consortium, for a renewable
four-year mandate.
All aspects concerning the
operation of the Journal of e-Planning are the responsibility of the Director
within the scope of the approved budget made available by CITIDEP and its
partners. In this regard, the Director is accountable to CITIDEP, in full
compliance with the statutes and regulations in force. The Director will
mobilise the bodies of the Journal of e-Planning, and the core of the
e-Planning community, to participate in the decision making process, the
editorial policy and all key matters of management, operation and promotion of
the Journal of e-Planning.
The Director’s duties also include: presiding over the Executive
Commitee and coordinating the Editorial Board.
The Director may appoint a Joint
Director and an Assistant Director, to second the management procedures,
delegating decision making and/or representation powers on them, for a specific
and limited period of time.
5 b) The Executive
Committee of the Journal of e-Planning consists of research doctorates or
PhD candidates, directly committed to researching e-Planning, that accept, for
a specific renewable time, on a regular basis, the respective duties and
responsibilities, within the scope of this editorial statute, through the
Director’s invitation. Their duties are: (to) advise the Director; define the
scientific guidelines of the magazine; define quality standards; decide on
theme-based publications; determine referee guidelines; approve editorial
standards; approve the graphic design; propose members for the Editorial Board,
within the framework of the e-Planning research agenda.
The Executive Committee meets
informally on of their own initiative, and at least once, formally, per Journal
of e-Planning issue, or when especially summoned by the Director.
The Executive Committee may
establish delegations of the Journal of e-Planning in different countries,
with delegated responsibilities, such as promotion and distribution.
Delegations of the Journal of e-Planning may also be in charge of the
edition (including content selection) of one or more monthly/trimestral numbers
of the “Newsletter Edition”, on a
rotation basis.
5-c) The Editorial Board
consists of invited prestigious academics and researchers, with a doctor / PhD
degree, from the different fields associated with e-Planning, eventually under
a periodic renewal system.
Duties of the Editorial Board are
to review articles submitted for publication (blind peer review); to identify
and mobilise referees best suited for the articles in question; to contribute
to the Newsletter Edition of the Journal. The role of the Editorial
Board, besides acting as the core of that "referee pool", will be to
suggest and converge on the topics to include in the call for papers for the
refereed annual edition, and to advise on editorial policy.
6) Editing and Distribution
The Journal of e-Planning will
maintain an exchange system with similar scientific magazines: The exchanged magazines are placed in the Libraries of the Institutes
that form the e-Planning Consortium.
The commercial distribution of the
Journal of e-Planning and the subscription service are assured by protocol, and
is the responsibility of the Director, assisted by the Executive Committee.
Distribution area: International.
Number of pages: Variable, in accordance with the
theme or period covered.
Circulation: between 50 and 500 paper copies,
depending on the number of pages of the Journal; variable number for the
electronic version, subscription and direct on-line purchasing (print, web or
tablet versions).
Periodicity: BiAnnual, for refereed issues of the
Journal; Monthly or Trimestral, for the issues carrying news, activities,
recensions and other sections; the Executive Committee may decide whether to
combine the monthly edition in bimonthly, trimestral or quarterly issues,
should it be justifiable; the same applying to the publishing of special or theme-based
Editor: CITIDEP.
Editor’s Headquarters Office: CITIDEP’s Headquarters Office,
currently at R. Tristão Vaz, 10 - 5 Esquerdo, 1400-352 Lisboa, Portugal.
Executive Committee Head Office in
2012: LabTec-CS ePlanning
ISCSP- UTL, Pólo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda, Rua Almerindo Lessa, 1300-663
Lisboa, Portugal;
Executive Committee Head Office in
2013: e-Planning Lab, CITIDEP Campus, R. Tristão Vaz, 10 – 5 Esq. 1400
Lisboa, Portugal
Head Office Location may be
altered, depending on the evolution of the protocols between the Editor,
CITIDEP, and the Academic Institutions integrated in the e-Planning Consortium.
Journal of e-Planning Contacts:
www.e-planning.org/journal/ c-press.international/jep/ ; citidep@gmail.com
CITIDEP & e-Planning sites: